Author: Jean M Russell

How to design, so things get done in a group or community in a network?

About Mushin Schilling and Anne Caspari: In the spring of 2007, Mushin wrote an essay called Collaboration Ecology, outlining his ideas on what type of social, economic and cultural environment would be conducive to collaboration. He has been pursuing this topic ever since. Anne, combining in-depth experience and hands-on application of integral theory with her training as a landscape architect… Read more →

SAP Mentors

Engaging Top Community Influencers

by Mark Finnern, Founder Playful Enterprise Let me tell you a story. As if a magician, I create communities from thin air. Communities around work, ideas, and local playfulness. Recently I founded Playful Enterprise a boutique consultancy where I bring my “magic” social technology for community to organizations ready to engage their enterprise tribes. As SAP Chief Community Evangelist I… Read more →

Designing Incentives

Becoming a Culture Hacker by Arthur Brock (Republished from When I learned that building things alone is just not as interesting as collaborative creation, community became my canvas for building new things. In the mid-1990s, this surfaced as a calling to create “community at WORK together.” So I started a company with some friends with only a commitment to… Read more →

We are up on Amazon!

Look here. We are so excited! Here we are on the turning point between the inward directed exploration and polishing and the outward “level up” sharing of the work. \o/ Come play with us!   Triarchy Press, our publisher, posted this description of the book: Most of the significant change that’s happening in the world, usually ‘under the radar,’ is… Read more →

A circus act

Our Journey

We met in various cities: London, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris, for intense sessions discussing how to make various complex social situations more successful. We talked about how to get groups to work well together, what interventions were successful, what was needed, and what went wrong. There were drawings on napkins and butcher paper. We had long VOIP calls discussing what… Read more →